Well, day one of the 30 day project has been off to a slow start. Just setting up positions for the camera work is taking a lot of time, but I expect this to become second nature in no time. To prepare for this project I had to make my own web page, and you tube account.
I also grew my hair out for 30 days prior to the event of shaving it off for a little better effect. Most of the other web related stuff is going to be done on the fly as this is how i designed this challenge. I expect to be up for most of the night tonight as well, as I 'm so far behind schedule. I payed for the website, so that I could get hosting in time, and also got a dedicated e-mail for the site. This was so that I could align every other site to that e-mail and web site. It took almost 48 hrs for it to be set up, and now that it is, I'll be uploading a web site tonight. I didn't take the easy, cheap looking web site making programs either. I designed everything from scratch in Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Adobe Photoshop.
All of the pictures are mine as well as all of the content. This way I don't have to worry about people saying I ripped them off, or anything dumb like that. I also uploaded a couple of videos of my cat TUX to the Youtube account last night, and this morning. This was so that I could get a feel for it and the programs involved.
My second video had music added to it from my friend Joey. A little song he made way back when we all dreamed of being stars, or something. The song was developed for our counter-strike clan "kitten" so I thought it was appropriate to add it to my kitty video. I got permission to use it from him years ago. I may have to compose something myself :( not looking forward to that!
Anyways, my writing time for the day is almost done. I'd also like to just add that I shaved my head bald with a product that I'm very impressed with. Once I'm done this project I think I will contact the manufacturer of these blades and see if they want to work on some kind of advertising deal with me. I 'll supply the footage and they can slice and dice it anyways that they want.
So with that in mind I'll start shaving with the camera on from now on and just save the footage. You never know till you try right. Maybe, they will offer me blades for life or something, and at the price of them......I think I'd take that offer! :)
Great job on your first Blog :)